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How to Draw a Perfect Circle, Square or Straight Line in Silhouette Studio (Updated Tutorial)

Silhouette Studio has a couple of drawing options - circles, squares, rectangles, and lines. Flex shapes were introduced V4.2 given even more options for built-in shapes!  But how do you make any of these shapes perfectly symmetrical?

perfect circle, perfect square, straight line, silhouette america blog, silhouette 101

Just because you can click on the 'Draw an Eclipse' Tool doesn't mean you'll get a perfectly round circle.  But I have a cool trick that will guarantee you get a perfectly symmetrical shape every.single.time.

You can see in this example that while the circle looks round, the dimensions on the selection box actually reveal it's not perfectly round.

perfect circle, perfect square, straight line, silhouette studio, silhouette design studio

If you want a symmetrical circle here's a little trick...hold down the SHIFT key while using your mouse to draw the circle.  The circle will be drawn perfectly.

perfect circle, perfect square, straight line, silhouette studio, silhouette design studio

The same goes for the 'Draw a Square' and 'Draw a Rounded Rectangle' tool. Of course, keep in mind, the 'rounded rectangle' will actually be a rounded square because all sides are kept proportional.

To make a perfectly horizontal or vertical line you can also hold down the SHIFT key while drawing the line.  That means you avoid the deceivingly straight lines that are actually a few degrees off straight.

The line will only snap straight at 45 degrees or 90 degrees.

perfect circle, perfect square, straight line, silhouette studio, silhouette design studio

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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  1. i think you must visit my site at-, visit and doit

  2. Every time I am stumped in Silhouette Studio... I come here thinking maybe you will have the answer, and you always do! Thank you for your site!

  3. Any ideas for if my shift key suddenly stopped working for this? I've restarted, updated to newest version, etc. It isn't working for perfect shapes or for selecting multiple items at a time.

    1. Same here, Lyndsy. Shift no longer works!

    2. Hi, have you discovered why it is not working or did you get to solve the problem somehow? I have the same problem and have no idea what to do... it is sooooo annoying....


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