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Silhouette Cutting Mat Cleaning: Easiest Way to Remove Lint, Dust & Paper

All Silhouette cutting mats need a good cleaning once in a while.  Dust, fibers and tiny pieces of paper get stuck to the mat's sticking area, which can make the mat lose its stickiness.  As we all know that can result in poor cutting.
Cutting mat, Silhouette cutting mat, cleaning mat, remove lint, silhouette cleaning, silhouette 101
Sometimes even the Silhouette spatula and can't remove all the tiny fibers and paper bits on the mat.  I have to admit, I'm a little embarrassed and ashamed to show you my 'before' mat....but it's all for the good of the blog, right?

One of the easiest and fastest ways I've found to clean my Silhouette cutting mat is with painters tape.  I tried this trick years ago when I first got my Silhouette and it still works great.  I swear by 3M Scotch-Blue Painters Tape and it works great to remove the lint, dust, hair, and paper without removing the stickiness of the mat (definitely key)!  I like to use the 2" Scotch Blue because it only takes a few pieces to clean the Silhouette cutting mat.

Cutting mat, Silhouette cutting mat, cleaning mat, remove lint, silhouette cleaning, silhouette america blog

Here's a look at my mat 'before' I cleaned it...sorry.  I really do apologize you have to see this.

Cutting mat, Silhouette cutting mat, cleaning mat, remove lint, silhouette cleaning, blue painters tape

Don't worry you won't have to look at that much longer...just tear off the tape the same length as the cutting mat.  Press the tape down really well onto the mat, being sure to run your hand firmly over the entire piece of tape.  Then lift up the tape and you'll see just how dirty your mat really was!

Cutting mat, Silhouette cutting mat, cleaning mat, remove lint, silhouette cleaning, blue painters tape

Repeat...repeat...repeat over the entire mat.

cameo plus, Silhouette cutting mat, cameo 3, remove lint, cameo 4, blue painters tape

...and a side by side just so you can see the dramatic difference!

Cutting mat, Silhouette cutting mat, cleaning mat, remove lint, silhouette cleaning, blue painters tape

Isn't that amazing? Who knew Scotch Blue painters tape was the answer?!

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine!

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  1. It’s a classic great for me to go to this blog site, it offers helpful suggestionsDanny Nguyen

  2. Thank you. Great tip. I haven't even used mine, but it fell on the floor and got attached by carpet fuzz. I guess I need to get a longer nail and hang it on the wall away from trouble.

  3. You did a great job! Thank you for sharing these photos. I am going to try to clean my mat with Scotch Blue painters tape. It sounds really easy. Greetings!

  4. Can you use any other type of tape or does it have to be painters tape? Great tip. Thanks.

  5. I would like to say that this article really convinced me, you give me best information!

  6. Will green work or does it have to be blue?

  7. But is there any way to "resticky" the mat? The stickyness really doesn't last very long. I'm getting tired of just buying new ones and throwing the old ones away (is there anything else they can be used for)

    1. Donza what I do is clean my mat (I soak mine in hot soapy water then use my spatula and scrap the yuck off. Once it is good and dry I use the 2 way Glue called ZIG. Buy the broad tip so it doesn't take as long to re stick the mat. Just run it back and forth on your mat once you get it flowing. Let dry and you have a sticky mat again. First peel off of cardstock is tough but after that, you should not have any problems


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