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Silhouette Fonts Download: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

One of my favorite things about Silhouette is that you can use any font downloaded on your computer in Silhouette Studio.  It seems like there should be more to it to add new fonts to Silhouette Studio...but nope it's very fast and easy!

Silhouette, fonts, download, Silhouette tutorial, Silhouette Studio

There are literally thousands of downloadable text and dingbat fonts available - many of them for free. I have written several tutorials on using fonts and dingbat fonts as free designs in Silhouette - but they all refer to fonts already installed in Silhouette Studio.
To install new fonts in Silhouette Studio you first need to find fonts.

If you're looking for a free font, I would suggest you start with the So Fontsy font.  It's a free font for commercial or personal use and it was specifically designed for cutting machines. Plus it has extra glyphs!

The first step is to download the font onto your computer. It will most likely be delivered in a zip folder.

Unzip the file and then find the OTF or TTF.  Now you've unzipped the file, but the font is still not actually installed in your font program.

You need to install it into your Font Book (Mac), Windows Font Viewer (PC), or other font management system on your computer.  Usually you can double click the OTF or TTF file to launch the installation.  Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Only after you've done this should you open Silhouette Studio.  If you had Silhouette open while you were downloading the font, restart the program or the font won't show up.

Using the text tool from the left sidebar, type something. With the text selected, open the Text Style panel and scroll down to So Fontsy or type the name into the font search box to change the font style.

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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  1. Do you have a step by step for windows? I cannot get free fonts to download into V3 like they did with V2.... unzip, import to library, choose file, viola! No such luck anymore... thank you!!!

    1. I'm in the same situation...I've been trying to download from and none of what I'm getting asks me if I want to upload to fonts, etc as it says here in the tutorial. Back to the searching for answers!

    2. Same here - says file type not supported (even though they art .TTF and .OTF)

    3. Same here ..please help

  2. Thanks for the great tutorial. Is there a way to figure out which font was used in a particular project? I have created projects with fonts, and gone back later to see what font I used. When I select the text, under 'Text Style' on the right it just shows me the first font in the list (usually ARIAL). Really frustrating when I'm trying to duplicate the font in another project. Thanks so much!

    1. Your font is no longer a font after you weld and get it ready to cut. So, any project that you do ,keep a notebook or copy paste to the side before you do too much.

  3. I bought fonts from the Silhouette site and they say that they will be automatically added to my fonts, but they aren't. I contacted Silhouette and they told me to make sure that all my apps have permission to read and write. I did that and downloaded the fonts again, but they're still not showing up. Any ideas?

    1. I have the same question, Melissa.Does anyone out there know if there issomething else we need to do to get the purchased fonts into other programs?

    2. Good news! After posting this, I closed my Silhouette Studio and was presented with a window asking if I wanted to install the purchased font. After saying YES, the font is now available in my other programs! Problem solved!

  4. How do you get the fonts that are already loaded into Silhouette and/or that you get off of to be sketch fonts instead of cut fonts (outline)? I guess what I'm trying to say is how to make the font look like a pin instead of just outline fonts?

  5. My problem isn't using the fonts, but when I export as a pdf file or as a jpg, the fonts are no longer part of the artwork/graphic.

  6. hi can any-one HELP ME! I'm trying to change my fonts into rhinestones!! ie / the alphabet!
    however when I change to rhinestones there just not readable in the smaller size I'm after? getting really frustrated now!!! I would like to cut some different rhinestone fonts thanks xx

  7. Good Evening!!

    I have been adding new fonts all evening with no problems. I am trying to install the "Mickey Ears" font. It is working everywhere else on my computer but will not load into the Silhouette Studio. Has anyone had a similar problem? Does anyone know a solution? Any help would be very appreciated!!

    1. Pam, How were you able to get the Mickey Ears font in Silhouette Studio? I am having the same issue. It shows up everywhere else but not in Silhouette Studio. I need it for a project due soon. Please help!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Is there a way to take a drawing that I done and cut it on the silhouette. I have already scanned into my computer to a file. So how would I make it a silhouette file?

  9. Is there a way to take a drawing that I done and cut it on the silhouette. I have already scanned into my computer to a file. So how would I make it a silhouette file?

  10. OK...I have read and followed this letter by letter and I still can't get them downloaded....find them on my Mac and import to my Library!

  11. Quite Interesting post!!! Thanks for posting such a useful post.
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