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'Spring' and Flowers Paper Banner

Spring, flowers, paper, banner, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial

Was the weekend weather a-maz-ing where you are? Here in Delaware we had two gorgeous spring days. They were much needed after the brutal winter we were handed, I might add. So in honor of all things spring I am sharing a tutorial on putting together a fun spring banner, today.  But that's not all...I also have 39 other awesome spring Silhouette projects from some of my blogging buddies further down in the post.

A few weeks back I received a question from a reader on the Silhouette School Facebook page who asked for a quick tutorial on turning the free shape of the week - this spring banner - into an actual  banner.

Spring, flowers, paper, banner, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial
The first thing to do is to download the design from the Silhouette Online Store and open it up in Silhouette Studio.  Here's the step by step tutorial on doing so if you need it.  If you didn't grab it when it was free, you can still get it for just $.99.  The 'Spring Banner' design is #57012

The pieces here are pretty big, as you can see, and since you need six flags and six 'doiles' and six letters you will either need to resize them or spread them out onto more than one work area.  It all depends on how big you want your bunting to be in the end.  I did both - resize and spread out - after bringing the original design into Silhouette Studio.

Spring, flowers, paper, banner, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial

I started by resizing one of the flags.  Next I grabbed what I'm calling the doily and resized that. I drug it over top the flag to make sure the size worked after it was cut.  I repeated that same step with the text and flowers, as well. 

Now it's time to duplicate (Right Click > duplicate). I duplicated the flag and doily each six times and then moved all of the flags into another work area.  They pretty much took up my entire (Portrait) mat.

Spring, flowers, paper, banner, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial, duplicate

I then positioned the doilies and the text on the same mat.  I exposed my cutting mat to make sure different designs didn't share a square since I planned to make one single cut on all different papers for each design.  I only wanted two flowers so I only duplicated the flowers once.

Spring, flowers, paper, banner, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial

The next step is to get your paper set on your cutting mat.  The flags were easy since they were all printing on the same paper in one single cut.

The second set of designs was a little more involved.  I explain exactly how to make a single cut on different paper here so head over there for tips and tricks if you need it.

Once everything is cut it's time to put it all together.

I started by stringing the flags onto a strand of bakers twine.   Next I used a glue stick to put on the doilies then I added the letters and finally I put the flowers together.

Spring, flowers, paper, banner, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial

And here she is hanging up...

Spring, flowers, paper, banner, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial

We're not done with the goodies yet, folks! Today I am super excited to share with you a whole bunch of Spring-inspired Silhouette projects.

My Silhouette Challenge buddies and I are all sharing projects on our blogs today, so peruse the projects below for a wealth of Silhouette inspiration!

Spring Cleaning - Custom Canisters I Love Paris In the Springtime Etching for Sping - Mug Personalization for the April Silhouette Challenge WHEELY excited about spring No-Sew Fabric & Burlap Peter Cottontail Banner Narwhals, plus friends Gold Fern Easter Eggs Mr and Mrs Easter Egg Head Easter Bunny Plate Welcome Spring - A Sign From Tile Paper Flowers Wall Art DIY: Bunny-Stamped Goodie Bags for Easter Inspirational Window Now We Have Everything Nursery Art Spring' and Flowers Paper Banner Glitter Jars with a Happy, Hoppy Bunny Made with the Silhouette + Free Cut File! Mother's Day Wreath Decorate A Watering Can With Vinyl! April Showers Sketch Pen Printable Spring Wreath Burlap Garden Flag with Heat Transfer Vinyl Pretty Little Herb Pots Peter Cottontail Door Hanger Spring Has Sprung Spring Has Sprung - Subway Art Bloom And Grow Sunflower Bouquet for Teacher Appreciation Sharpie Easter Eggs Tear Open Easter Egg Cards Look what's Blooming! ~ Silhouette Challenge Everblooming Paper Bouquet Silhouette Challenge: Spring Polish Swap Card [B] is for Bloom: Scrap Lumber Flower Vases Tulip Time - Fridge Magnets Neon Paper Pinwheels {tutorial} A Happy Spring Card Sketching Just Got Easier! Spring Bunny Baskets Bird Nerd Easter Eggs Easter Peeps Treats with {FREE} Printables and Cut File Garden Bench Update
1. Dream a Little Bigger // 2. So Much Better With Age // 3. Adventures in All Things Food // 4. Creative Carnival // 5. The Kim Six Fix // 6. feto soap // 7. One Dog Woof // 8. The Experimental Home // 9. From Wine to Whine // 10. Architecture of a Mom // 11. Grey Luster Girl // 12. Minted Strawberry // 13. Designed Decor // 14. Tried & True // 15. Silhouette School // 16. Bringing Creativity 2 Life // 17. Weekend Craft // 18. Practically Functional // 19. Please Excuse My Craftermath... // 20. McCall Manor // 21. unOriginal Mom // 22. Creative Ramblings // 23. A Tossed Salad Life // 24. A Glimpse Into Barb's Life // 25. Kate's Paper Creations // 26. Simply Kelly Designs // 27. Cutesy Crafts // 28. Persia Lou // 29. Whats Next Ma // 30. Two Purple Couches // 31. The Frill of Life // 32. Nearly Handmade // 33. Get Silvered // 34. Ginger Snap Crafts // 35. Life After Laundry // 36. The Sensory Emporium // 37. Monograms & Cake // 38. The Thinking Closet // 39. My Paper Craze // 40. Chicken Scratch NY

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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